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Auteur | Message |
Emma Copain de Virée de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 600 Age : 49 Date d'inscription : 21/07/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Ven 24 Oct - 1:13 | |
| pour l'article | |
| | | Karo Girlfriend de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 2035 Age : 51 Date d'inscription : 07/04/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Ven 24 Oct - 23:53 | |
| J'attends toujours l'interview où Kiefer parlera de sa rencontre avec Lotus à Bucarest comme étant un fait marquant duy tournage de Mirrors en Roumanie! Merci de me mettre à jour sur notre mec! | |
| | | lotus Femme de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 5890 Age : 64 Date d'inscription : 30/12/2006
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Sam 25 Oct - 10:13 | |
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| | | Hoppel Tatoueur de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 390 Age : 73 Date d'inscription : 08/09/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Dim 26 Oct - 11:30 | |
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| | | Karo Girlfriend de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 2035 Age : 51 Date d'inscription : 07/04/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Mer 29 Oct - 16:37 | |
| Hoppel! ATTENTION HORS CHAMP INTENTIONNEL : Hoppel, ma poule, es-tu allée à New York, finalement? | |
| | | Hoppel Tatoueur de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 390 Age : 73 Date d'inscription : 08/09/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Jeu 30 Oct - 16:19 | |
| Oui, Karo, oui, oui, oui! Je t'envoi un message privé avec certaines photos, lol. | |
| | | Jenny Fille de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 1511 Age : 43 Date d'inscription : 05/08/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Ven 31 Oct - 13:44 | |
| Ralala y a une ITW french quizz dans le télé-loiz' chaque là c'est Kiefou ! Alors d'abord y a une photo de KS qui tient un exemplaire de télé-loiz’. Il a une chemise bleu clair et une veste de costume noire. Kiefer SutherlandCélèbre dans le monde entier sous le nom de Jack Bauer, le héros de 24 heures chrono rêve de tourner pour l’un de nos réalisateurs. Télé-Loisirs : pourriez-vous vivre en France ? Kiefer Sutherland : sans problème ! La France a toujours eu une place particulière dans mon cœur. C’est l’endroit où mon père [ l’acteur Donald Sutherland, ndlr] a vu pour la première fois un épisode de 24 heures chrono. C’était amusant. Il était sur le tournage d’un film et il a adoré car l’épisode n’était pas interrompu par des publicités. Et puis, il est rentré aux Etats-Unis et a détesté … les publicités. Ensuite, il est retourné en France, et les publicités lui ont manqué car cela lui donnait le temps de respirer ! Il trouvait que les actions se déroulaient trop vite ! [Il rit.]Qu’est-ce que vous préférez chez les Français ?Une histoire hors du commun. Les Français ont également cette faculté de voir les choses avant nous. Ils parviennent à anticiper et à avoir une bonne analyse de notre monde. Et puis, au niveau social, et surtout dans le domaine de la santé, on peut difficilement faire mieux. Qu’échangeriez-vous avec un Français ?Sa culture. Je suis absolument subjugué par toute cette richesse culturelle. Quand je me rends à Paris, je ne sais jamais où tourner la tête tellement il y a de choses à voir et à apprécier. Si vous deviez vous réincarner en Français, lequel choisiriez-vous ?Le général de Gaulle. Quand un homme parvient à jouer un rôle aussi important dans l’histoire de son pays, c’est fascinant. Auriez-vous pu faire carrière en France ?J’aimerais beaucoup travailler avec des producteurs et des réalisateurs français. J’essaie d’ailleurs de pratiquer le plus souvent possible le français, ce qui n’est pas toujours évident. J’adore votre langue mais elle est vraiment difficile. Selon vous, quelle image avez-vous en France ?Depuis la série 24 heures chrono, je pense que j’ai une image assez cool, malgré certains écarts de conduite … [il sourit.]Qu’est-ce qui vous fait honte ?Mes erreurs me font souvent honte. Par exemple, avoir été arrêté par la police pour conduite en état d’ébriété a été pour moi extrêmement embarrassant. Votre principal défaut ?Je suis resté un grand enfant. Comme je disais récemment à ma fille [Sarah, 20 ans, ndlr], je suis désolé de grandir en même temps qu’elle. Je commets des erreurs que je regrette ensuite. La qualité dont vous êtes le plus fier ?Je suis un perfectionniste. Chaque soir, je vais me coucher avec la volonté d’être encore meilleur le lendemain matin à mon réveil. J’essaie toujours de faire mon travail le mieux possible. Sinon, ma plus grande fierté est ma fille, elle est merveilleuse. C’est une remarquable étudiante, elle est entrain de terminer sa troisième année à l’université. Elle écrit extrêmement bien et, grâce à elle, le monde est pour moi nettement meilleur. Ce qui vous énerve ?Le gouvernement qui dirige actuellement les Etats-Unis. Le temps est venu d’un grand changement. J’espère que les résultats de la prochaine élection présidentielle vont aller dans ce sens. Ce qui vous séduit ?J’ai toujours été curieux de l’être humain. J’aime les gens. Je trouve que l’Homme est absolument fascinant. Qu’aimeriez-vous que l’on dise de vous quand vous ne serez plus là ?J’aimerais que l’on dise que, malgré ses erreurs et ses écarts de conduite, le combat au quotidien de Kiefer Sutherland a toujours été de devenir un homme meilleur. De notre correspondant à Hollywood, Hervé TropéaEt à droite de l'ITW, y a un encadré avec les 5 dates clés dans sa vie : 21 décembre 1966 : il naît avec une sœur jumelle à Londres. Ses parents ne sont autres que les comédiens Donald Sutherland et Shirley Douglas, qui divorceront quatre ans plus tard. Septembre 1987 : il épouse l’actrice Camelia Kath, avec qui il a une fille, Sarah, 20 ans aujourd’hui, avant de divorcer en 1990. Juin 1991 : trois jours avant la cérémonie de mariage, sa fiancée Julia Roberts le quitte pour partir vivre avec son meilleur ami de l’époque, l’acteur Jason Patric. Novembre 2001 : il devient une star avec la série 24 heures chrono.Septembre 2007 : trois ans après avoir été arrêté pour conduite en état d’ivresse, il récidive et est condamné à quarante-huit jours de prison pour ne pas avoir respecté sa période probatoire. Et juste en bas de l'encadré, y a une photo de Jack Bauer qui court dans la rue avec une chemise tâchée de sang et " il tourne actuellement la saison 7 de 24 heures chrono" marqué juste en-dessous. Merci à ma Meuri pour ça ! | |
| | | mygreeg Garde du Corps de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 1200 Age : 45 Date d'inscription : 03/11/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Ven 31 Oct - 14:25 | |
| Jenny C'est le télé loisir de quelle semaine ? | |
| | | Jenny Fille de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 1511 Age : 43 Date d'inscription : 05/08/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Ven 31 Oct - 14:45 | |
| De rien ! Je crois que c'est celui de cette semaine mais je crois plus qu'il soit à la vente vu que c'est décalé ... | |
| | | lotus Femme de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 5890 Age : 64 Date d'inscription : 30/12/2006
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Ven 31 Oct - 17:15 | |
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| | | Jenny Fille de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 1511 Age : 43 Date d'inscription : 05/08/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Ven 31 Oct - 21:10 | |
| Ben moi j'ai pas l'article mais je vais voir avec la miss qui m'a recopié l'ITW ! | |
| | | mygreeg Garde du Corps de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 1200 Age : 45 Date d'inscription : 03/11/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Ven 31 Oct - 21:47 | |
| voici la photo ( mon petit mari est revenu des courses avec; c'est le télé loisirs du 1er au 7 novembre il est donc disponible pour tout le monde )
Dernière édition par mygreeg le Ven 31 Oct - 21:49, édité 1 fois | |
| | | charlie Femme de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 6465 Age : 51 Date d'inscription : 15/02/2006
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Ven 31 Oct - 21:58 | |
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| | | Sandy Co-Productrice de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 1028 Age : 50 Date d'inscription : 07/02/2008
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Ven 31 Oct - 22:30 | |
| Merci Jenny | |
| | | Emma Copain de Virée de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 600 Age : 49 Date d'inscription : 21/07/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Sam 1 Nov - 1:39 | |
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| | | lotus Femme de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 5890 Age : 64 Date d'inscription : 30/12/2006
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Dim 7 Déc - 12:47 | |
| From Panorama (Dutch magazine)
Q&A: Kiefer -Jack Bauer- Sutherland
The PR-department of Panorama, a Dutch Men’s magazine, has been invited for an interview with Kiefer Sutherland, on behalf of the release of Redemption. The following takes place between 14.00 and 14.24 NY time.
Would there ever be a 24 without you???
“Well, why not?? The most important thing of the show is the real time format. Not me, although I have been the leading person for the last 7 shows. Before 24, there hasn’t ever been a mainstream show or movie, that’s working with this clock. May be Phonebooth.
But to think I’m the only actor who can play this part is ridiculous. I’m not that arrogant.”
Will there be a ticking clock the whole day??
“No, the format is not a problem for an actor. It is hard for the writers. They are tied up by it. E.g. geographically. Jack Bauer can’t just fly to Mexico.”
Jack Bauer has become an icon. One to be referred to even by politicians.
John McCain: “I love Jack Bauer.” What do you think about this??
“One of the great aspects of 24 is that the show is to be loved by as well the right as the left wing, like the Clintons and Barbara Streisand. By the way, Jack Bauer is not involved in politics. He has always fought the politic systems, hahaha.”
Yes, by even by torturing, which has been used in Iran.
“Again torture. I always try to remind people of 24 as a TV show. We just use torture for the dramatic effect in our show. We do not want to legitimate torture anyhow!
The ones in our show have been fantasized by the writers. Just like the ones at James Bond or Jason Bourne …”
He, JB…. Isn’t this a coincidence, isn’t it??
James Bond, Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer. The initials of those heroes are evidently always JB….
“As noted….”
Tell us about the most rare place where people has ever spotted you?
“I’m always surprised to be recognized by people, where ever I go to such as France, Germany, Romania or even in Brazil, in the Amazon. Even as I fly to Jakarta, more than a thousand people are awaiting at the airport. Bizarre, but great.
I’ve never had to be a part of an international project.
Some time ago, a couple of friends went on a safari. They stayed in a cabin with straw in the middle of nowhere to find a dvd player with a 24 movie. They have been fed up with this.
They have traveled more than 10.000 kilometers to get rid of me, and again there’s Jack Bauer.
Talking about Africa, 24 Redemption. Tell us about it.
“The subject, child’s soldiers concerns me a lot. Of course, one has read about it, but I didn’t know there were so many. 25% of the armies in the world are consisting of child’s soldiers. Really! If you skip the Western armies and those of China and Russia, there has only been left armies of child’s soldiers. I hope that the movie Redemption will awake people.
Redemption is a dvd. Will there be a movie of 24??
“When the show ends, it is to pretend to make a movie. Anyway, I’ve got some ideas. Putting 24 hours into a two hour movie, so Jack Bauer is able to travel. The story will be able to start in Prague, to London and will finish in Paris. Would be great!!!”
Yeah, why don’t you do the Netherlands!!!! (sorry ladies, slip of the pen!!)
Thanks Anna (knuffel)
merci benny | |
| | | mygreeg Garde du Corps de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 1200 Age : 45 Date d'inscription : 03/11/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Dim 7 Déc - 17:33 | |
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| | | Karo Girlfriend de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 2035 Age : 51 Date d'inscription : 07/04/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Mar 9 Déc - 6:16 | |
| Moi j'aime bien l'analogie des initiales "JB".
James Bond, Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer.
C'est trop cool!!! | |
| | | Emma Copain de Virée de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 600 Age : 49 Date d'inscription : 21/07/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Mer 17 Déc - 23:19 | |
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| | | mygreeg Garde du Corps de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 1200 Age : 45 Date d'inscription : 03/11/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Dim 25 Jan - 16:24 | |
| Vanity fair interview La série ”24″, dont vous jouez le rôle principal pour la septième fois, a-t-il sauvé votre carrière?KS: Au moins, il a été une seconde chance. J'avais peu d'offres avant de jouer le personnage de l'agent Jack Bauer. C'est bizarre: j'avais joué dans quelques films à succès comme “Stand By Me”, “Lost Boys” et “Flatliners”, mais pas de travail. “24″ a tout changé et cela ne s'est pas fait tout seul . Nous avons travaillé très dur pour cela.Ca doit être triste de jouer Jack Bauer. At-il jamais rit au cours des dernières saisons?KS: Oui, une fois, dans la troisième saison, quand il a arrêté Nina Myers, le meurtrier de sa femme. Sinon, il est bien sûr trop occupé à sauver le monde .. Mais, à mon avis, le public l'aime parce qu'il ne cherche pas la facilité.Que ferez-vous, quand la série se terminera ? Produire de la musique?KS: Le série se poursuit, parce que nous n'avons pas fait la saison idéale pour le moment, et je tiens absolument à la faire. Mais j'aime l'idée de pouvoir changer de profession. Cependant je suis bien trop mauvais pour avoir une carrière musicale, mais j'ai de très bons groupes dans mon label. Malheureusement, certains des gars sont vraiment de bons amis à moi. Merci Benny | |
| | | charlie Femme de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 6465 Age : 51 Date d'inscription : 15/02/2006
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Dim 25 Jan - 16:36 | |
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| | | mygreeg Garde du Corps de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 1200 Age : 45 Date d'inscription : 03/11/2007
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Lun 2 Fév - 22:46 | |
| Une interview intéressante qui change un peu des questions habituelles, mais on a l'impression que les journalistes n'ont toujours pas compris que 24 est show télé et que le but essentiel est de divertir les gens. Kiefer Sutherland, who plays Jack Bauer in television series 24. Photograph: Anthony Mandler/Corbis Sitting in the lobby after the interview, I look up and see that a man has stopped on his way out. “Thank you,” he's saying to me, “thanks for coming by, it was good to meet you.” I wonder what this stranger is talking about. Then I realise who it is. Kiefer Sutherland looks in real life so commonplace, so unlike a movie star, that it's possible not to recognise him only minutes after spending an hour in a hotel suite with him.This must be a testament to his acting skills, because the face of Special Agent Jack Bauer is indelibly recognisable to millions of 24 fans all over the world. Like James Bond or Jason Bourne, Bauer has become less a role than a global phenomenon, a hero to everyone from Bill Clinton to Karl Rove - his popularity as inexhaustible as his ability to save America from ever more audacious terror plots. The drama series set in a fictional counter-terrorism unit screens on 236 channels to 100 million viewers worldwide. It has won Sutherland an Emmy nomination for every one of its six series to date, and made him the most highly paid television actor in the world.The show was devised a year before 9/11, but the uncanny prescience of its plotlines foretold the Bush administration's war on terror. “Whatever it takes” is Bauer's gravelly motto - and what it takes on 24 can be highly violent, illegal and frequently involve torture. Why so many fans are in love with a man who tortures people is perhaps a disturbing puzzle - but not as troubling as the question that has dogged Sutherland and 24's creators for the last 18 months. Is admiration for Bauer confined to the escapism of make-believe - or has it had an impact on public opinion and military strategy in the real world?“What Jack Bauer does is all in the context of a television show,” Sutherland begins, very slowly and deliberately, in the grainy register of a heavy smoker. He looks unexpectedly slight, and a little tired, but his engagement is direct and considered. “I always have to remind people of this. We're making a television programme. We're utilising certain devices for drama. And it's good drama. And I love this drama! As an actor I have had an absolute blast doing it. You sit in a room and put a gun to a guy's knee and say, 'Tell me!' Oh, you feel so amazing after that!“But I know it's not real. The other actor certainly knows it's not real. And up until a year ago, everybody else knew it wasn't real.”In 2007 it was reported that a delegation from West Point had visited the set of 24 to tell producers that their portrayal of torture was seriously affecting military training. Cadets love 24, a general explained, “and they say, 'If torture is wrong, what about 24?'” A former US army interrogator told them he'd seen soldiers in Iraq “watch the shows, and then walk into the interrogation booths and do the same things they've just seen”. Their claims were corroborated by a book last year by Philippe Sands about interrogation techniques at Guantánamo Bay, in which military officials cited 24 as an inspiration for early “brainstorming meetings”. Bauer, one officer admitted, “gave people a lot of ideas”.Sutherland is a Democrat and says he longs for the day when Bauer's interrogation techniques “go back to being a figment of someone's imagination, as opposed to mirroring things that are in fact happening across the world”. Authenticity, however, has always been central to 24's appeal. Just a week before President Obama announced that he was going to close Guantánamo Bay, the latest series opened with the counter-terrorism unit disbanded, and Bauer facing indictment for torture. “The world is changing,” Sutherland smiles, “and season seven deals with that. It deals with Jack Bauer in a world that's changing where he is obsolete.” But the charge is that life has been imitating art, mirroring what it saw on 24. When I put it to Sutherland, the smile quickly thins, and he begins to look annoyed.“First off, I'm just going to tell you outright, the problem is not 24. To try and correlate from what's happening on a television show to what the military is doing in the real world, I think that's ridiculous.” Does he mean he doesn't believe the reports of 24's influence? “Well I haven't read all those reports. But if that's actually happening, then the problem that you have in the US military is massive. If your ethics in the military, in your training, is going to be counterminded by a one-hour weekly television show we've got a really big problem.” His growl grows heavy with contempt. “If you can't tell the difference between reality and what's happening on a made-up TV show, and you're correlating that back to how to do your job in the real world, that's a big, big problem.”Although an executive producer, Sutherland didn't attend the meeting with the West Point delegation, but the generals reported talking to him briefly afterwards, and said he'd admitted the show's “unintended consequences” worried him. “Absolute bullshit,” Sutherland insists. “Absolutely. I declined to meet them because I found it to be so deeply manipulative. When the entire country was looking at the US military's behaviour in places like Abu Ghraib, I found that whole thing was a real effort to slide the blame on to something else, and I wasn't going to be a part of it.”If the US army is using Bauer as an excuse for abuse, Sutherland's indignation is understandable. But if, I ask, 24's influence were demonstrably proven, would he then feel any obligation for the show to modify its depiction of torture?“No,” he says flatly. “24 and 20th Century Fox and Sky TV are not responsible for training the US military. It is not our job to do. To me this is almost as absurd as saying The Sopranos supports the mafia and by virtue of that HBO supports the mafia. Or that, you know, Sex and the City is just saying 'everybody should sleep together now'.” He looks increasingly exasperated. “I have never seen anyone - and I really do not believe this - I have not seen an average citizen in the US or anywhere else who has watched an hour of 24 and after watching was struck by this uncontrollable urge to go out and torture someone. It's ludicrous.“So when I put it like that, do you understand?”Actually, when he puts it like that, I think he's being a little disingenuous. Sutherland is too intelligent not to know that television's influence can be more subtle than that. 24's creator, Joel Surnow, who has described himself as a “rightwing nut job”, has certainly given the impression of being not unhappy if 24 impacts on public opinion, saying: “America wants the war on terror fought by Jack Bauer. He's a patriot.” The Fox executive who bought the show has said candidly, “There's definitely a political attitude on the show, which is that extreme measures are sometimes necessary for the greater good. Joel's politics suffuse the whole show.” The essential message of 24 is not just that torture can be morally justifiable, but, more importantly, that it works. And in the absence of other more accurate sources of information in American popular culture, it's hardly surprising if the viewing public believes it.Sutherland repeatedly invokes the phrase “in the context of a television programme”, and stresses, “this is a drama”, but there are moments when exactly who is confusing TV and reality is unclear. “Jack Bauer,” he asserts, “is to me an apolitical character.” Really? “Well, can you tell me if Jack Bauer is a Democrat or a Republican?” I would say he's clearly a Republican. “Absolutely not!” Sutherland flashes back triumphantly. “Not a chance.” Why not? “Because I'm not a Republican, and I created the character.” If Bauer is supposed to be pure make-believe, then surely Sutherland's personal politics are beside the point? I get the impression that the only really consistent thread in the logic of his defence of 24 might be an intellectual motto of “Whatever it takes”.But when he talks with tender affection for his character, even quoting Chekhov at one point, I wonder if I'd half forgotten myself that Sutherland isn't a Pentagon official, or a politician, but an actor. He has nothing to do with writing 24, and for a Hollywood star his patience in the face of charges he considers absurd is remarkable. He has an unusual quality of respectful humility, and perhaps his loyalty is understandable. For it is fair to say that Sutherland owes almost everything he has today to Jack Bauer.When 24 first screened in 2001, Sutherland was a fading bratpack name, whose fame had been eroding since the 80s on the familiar rocks of tabloid mayhem and terrible film choices. A marriage to Julia Roberts, his co-star in the unacclaimed Flatliners, was called off at the last minute in 1991 when she eloped to Europe with his best friend. By 1994 Sutherland had accumulated a string of flops, a reputation for womanising, a weakness for wild living, and 140 stitches in his head from barfights. He quit Hollywood, and went to live on a Californian ranch as a rodeo rider.“With regards to the dips that I've taken, I think the one time that saved my life was when I went and did the rodeo. I realised that if I did something else that wasn't going to be good - and I wasn't getting offered things I liked - well, if I was to do another one of those . . .” He lets the sentence fall away.Sutherland likes to say he has lived his life backwards, and there is some truth in that, for his youth had been precociously responsible. He was born in 1966 in London, the son of Canadian actors Donald Sutherland and Shirley Douglas, but his parents divorced when he was four and he grew up in Toronto with his mother. At 15 he left home to star in Bay Boy, which won him a nomination for Canada's equivalent of an Oscar, and he had made Stand By Me, The Lost Boys and Young Guns by the age of 21. By then he was already married, with a daughter, Sarah Jude, named after his friend Sarah Jessica Parker.The marriage didn't last, though, and nor did his second in 1996 to a Canadian former model. In 2000 he returned to Hollywood from his ranch to shoot a pilot for a new show he doubted anyone would buy. “I loved 24, but I didn't think anyone else would. I had absolutely no idea.”Restored by 24 to the Hollywood stratosphere, I wonder whether the pleasure today of uber-movie star treatment is enhanced or inhibited by his experience in the industry's wilderness. “I would have to say,” he grins, “it enhances it. I'm not sure I even know what uber-star treatment really is, but I certainly know the difference between being able to get a film with a certain director and not being able to get a film with a certain director 10 years ago.” The memory of unanswered calls doesn't rankle? He smiles gently, shaking his head. “No, there's no resentment. Just absolute relief, and thank you for the opportunity, absolutely.”Sutherland has made more than a dozen films since beginning 24, although it must be said that his choice of scripts hasn't improved much, for only one - Phone Booth - has detained the critics' attention. He lives alone in Los Angeles with a collection of vintage guitars, working 14-hour days on 24 for 10 months of the year, and has kept out of trouble since a drink-driving conviction saw him spend the Christmas before last in prison. He was already on probation for an earlier drink-driving offence, and doesn't want to talk about the 48 days he spent in jail. But when I ask him whether he thinks acting tends to attract self-destructive hedonists, or create them, he doesn't hesitate to answer.“I've certainly always been of the view that it attracts those people. The heroes for me were Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole, Richard Harris - extraordinary actors, and extraordinary characters. And they were pushing the barriers of their own lives too, for whatever reasons they wanted. They were just great, I loved their stories, I loved all of that about them. But then, I also think there's a balance. Jimmy Stewart is one of my favourite actors, Tom Hanks is one of my favourite actors.” He pauses for a second. Then he adds, not with the coy timing of a faux apologetic naughty boy, but with disarming honesty, “But I think Colin Farrell's funny, you know?” If Sutherland's life is quieter these days, Bauer's is also changing. Although Sutherland resents the controversy surrounding his character, he seems pleased - possibly even relieved - to see the latest series address it.“Jack Bauer is in a place right now of terrible questioning of all of the stuff that he's done, and that is obviously informed by a lot of things surrounding the show that had nothing to do with us. And the debate which occurs through all 24 episodes, until Jack Bauer finds some resolution for himself, is: 'I'm the guy who will do whatever it takes to save those 45 people on the bus from terrorists. And in the back of my mind I also know that upholding the laws of this land has to be more important than the 45 people on the bus. But I just can't do it. So maybe I'm not the guy to be doing this.' “He's in a terrible moral dilemma about the things that he's done. And I found it heartbreaking.”Does he ever, I ask, think the things Bauer has done are all right? Sutherland stares at me, a cartoon of astonishment.“Absolutely not!” he exclaims. “Are you kidding me? No! Absolutely not, God no. Be really clear about that.” He laughs. “Oh. My. God. NO.”• 24 is on Mondays at 9pm on Sky1 and Sky1 HD. | |
| | | charlie Femme de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 6465 Age : 51 Date d'inscription : 15/02/2006
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Lun 2 Fév - 22:52 | |
| mygreeg, les journalistes tournent toujours en rond quand il parle de 24, comme tu dis, c'est juste un shows de TV. | |
| | | Thanandra Cigarette de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 82 Age : 46 Date d'inscription : 16/03/2009
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Mer 1 Avr - 10:33 | |
| je ne sais pas si je suis dans le bon post... en ce moment dans les mag gratuits parisien quelques petits articles avec interview de Kiefer (dont une page dans le "A nous paris") si ca vous dit j'essayerais de faire un scan :) ) Sinon ce matin, ils m'ont réveillé avec leur erreurs (pas assez gros pour un premier avril...) il parle de Reese comme actrice de "monsters vs aliens" (bon il est 6H45 je suis à moitié endormie donc je ronchonne "elle joue pas dedans... elle prête sa voix...") puis "Hugh Laurie le célèbre acteur qui"jouait" House"... euh la ca m'a réveillé !! Pffffffff déjà il joue toujours House mais surtout c'est Kiefer !!!! | |
| | | KS Co-Productrice de Kiefer
Nombre de messages : 1075 Age : 53 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2005
| Sujet: Re: INTERVIEW PRESSE DE KIEFER OU SUR 24H Mer 1 Avr - 23:43 | |
| super article ... un peu long:arf: mais top ! | |
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